A DIY wedding in Berlin Neukölln
Garden weddings are something truly special. No venue can ever be as personal and individual as your own home. This is why Sina and Andi weren’t looking for a “special” wedding location. They simply wanted to spend their day with families and close friends – and their home offered all that was needed for an excellent celebration.
The day started easy: while some were finishing off the decorations in the garden and others topped up their energy with croissants, coffee (and champagne), Sina and Andi got dressed. After getting ready we headed to the civil registry office in Neukölln. Civil ceremonies in Germany do have a reputation for sometimes being a bit dry and straightforward. This one might have been short but it was certainly beautiful, full of love and tears. The same goes for the ensuing reception in the courtyard of the historic building. It wasn’t fancy, there weren’t pretty tables and waiters serving drinks. Instead, there were a dozen bottles of good champagne, plastic cups and all their friends. That’s all that mattered to Sina and Andi. And as if they hadn’t already shown the world how laid-back they are, they led the way home by motorbike. A relaxed afternoon by the pool followed. But see for yourself.